Temporarily Discontinued: COVID-19

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis we need to temporarily remove products from our catalog. Removed products are listed as “Out of Stock.” You can view those products here. Please monitor this link over the next few weeks as we discontinue more products.

What products are we discontinuing? 

  • Bulky products (e.g. gift sets with large wood boxes, etc.)
  • Heavy products (e.g. glassware, etc.)

What if I have an order to fulfill now? 

  • Email support [at] tealsprairie.com.
  • Describe your situation.
  • Newly “out of stock” product orders submitted within 24 hours of this posting will be fulfilled via custom listings.

How long will these products be discontinued? 

Removing products from our catalog is the first phase of a much larger COVID-19 mitigation plan, which could take up to three months to complete. Once completed our business will be less exposed to the daily challenges COVID-19 has forced upon us all, and most importantly, no more severe shipping delays!

My buyers aren’t cost sensitive, why can’t I keep selling at an increased cost?

If you wish to keep selling “out of stock” products, you may purchase those at retail price on our retail website and take advantage of any coupon offer we may have available. We currently have a 15% off: TPCGIFTS and free shipping for orders > $100.00 FreeShipping. These coupons are both unlikely to expire.

Why are “out of stock” products still available for retail on your retail website/platforms? 

Unfortunately, due to skyrocketing logistics costs, old way of doing things won’t work. Our resell and retail offerings will both change over the coming months. Managing multiple platforms isn’t without challenges. We apologize in advance for any perceived anomalies or oversights.

We understand as your fulfillment partner you rely on us to keep your business running smoothly. We sincerely apologize for any business disruptions these measures might bring. Rest assured that we have your best interest at heart and will restock these products as soon as our supply-chain costs are no longer prohibitive.

Teals Prairie & Co.